Wagging the Eagle.
When will we have a government actually does something intelligent about things like this? Honestly, don't know where the useful men and women in Washington have been the last forty or fifty years, but this is pathetic. The goobermint should either not acknowledge stuff like this publicly which just validates the gits or should drop the hammer on them. The Iranians threatened to blow up the US ships. The US has had ships, the Cole for instance attacked in that area. The navy should have sunk the damn speed boats and offered sincere apologies to the Iranians, and expressed a firm belief that the decedents were surely renegades and their actions were not of course sanctioned by the Iranian government or naval command structure.
Self defense is a must, you can only have so many mad men threaten you with dire fates before one of them tries, there is no need to let someone who states they are going to kill you stick around long enough to try.
Labels: china, iran, mucking forons, politics, the powers that shouldn't be